
Development of color quest has been challenging, I find myself in development often cutting down on goals to meet a more manageable workload (such as the cover image a of this log which was initially meant to be the background of a world that I ultimately will not have in the final release).  Initially I laid out a calendar of when to meet certain goals. Development roughly was broken down into level design -> asset creation -> scripting. I was only meeting the goals on time when I choose to neglect other aspects of my life. This wasn't a sustainable way of development so I had to manage those goals.

Development roughly was broken down into level design -> asset creation -> scripting 

Upon first playing my game play testers expressed that the controls didn't work as expected and they moved very slow this turned out to be an issue with not setting up time properly in the player controller. Later advice mentioned that I should look into an unusual interaction that would cause players to dash in situations where they made the sliding input but may not have actually wanted to dash.

Pictured above are a spider enemy that will no longer be making an appearance and a bug where the player character is turned all black after dashing.


ColorQuest.apk 15 MB
Nov 18, 2022

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